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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                     Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

schedule in order to minimize the       longer applicable and the EC will
impact on the future project            fund a project without “authorization”
management. Differently form the        and approval. In some cases
other projects in which the price is    happens that people and/or whole
fixed and the possible implementation   Companies change their interests
of the activities with less effort can  and/or core business and withdrawn
positively impact increasing the        from the Consortium: the Project
margins of the project, in the EC       Manager must re-arrange the
project’s case the missing declaration  activities to other partners or ask the
of all the costs implies the loss of    Commission the possible assignment
contribution received. Saving the       of subcontracts, justifying the
effort of human resources and saving    situation. In the most serious cases the
the charged costs in the declaration    European Commission can chose to
exposes to EC will lower effort spent   terminate the project and can
on the project for which the EC fund a  liquidate the Consortium. In case of
percentage. This applies both to        variants the Project Manager must
Partners and to Coordinators and the    evaluate within the Consortium,
real Project Manager’s challenge is to  obtaining the written approval of the
respect and obtain at the end of the    other members, the way to forward,
project all the initially requested     having in mind all the stakeholders’
funding. At the end of the project the  interests in the project.
Manager can assess the overall
project performances in terms of                3.4 Risks and Opportunities
sustained costs and the meeting of              Management
the proposal declared costs could be
reached with the correct balance of     In EC projects the risks management
the partners within the Consortium.     should be considered at the same
The additional consideration must be    level of the other commercial
dedicated to the contractual            projects. Being research projects, the
variants: the only acceptable           level of the risks and their impact on
changes to the former Grant             the activities it usually underestimated
Agreement are of minor importance       but the low level of attention can
and impacts. Concerning the impact      lead to the explosion of the costs and
of the activities conducted by each     the associated risks to the costs and
partner and their performances, the     to the schedule became a reality.
EC has a very weak visibility but the   Moreover, in case of Coordination of
rules concerning their high level       a project, the EC requires that a
management as contained in the          dedicated bank account is opened
Grant Agreement. As consequence         by the Company and the associated
no variants are acceptable              costs of its management and
concerning the technical activities     maintenance are not eligible then
and the final outcomes until duly       directly impact on the overall
justified. Technical changes on         Company costs of the projects.
research and innovation expected        Moreover the long time for the
implies that the evaluation of the      development of the technical
experts (see sect. 3.1) could be no
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