Page 42 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                           Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

market  applications  (Space,             and the possible enlargement of the

Automotive, Rail Transportation,          Project Portfolio. It has to be however

Naval…) then the Partners interacts       reminded that the competition in EC

differently with each other, at           framework is particularly high: it is

different level and roles then a          usual that for a single topic of the EC

Consortium regulation is needed.          call for tender, several tens of

In Section 2 the concept of               proposals are submitted! Everyone in

opportunity is reminded: every project    Europe can submit a proposal, due to

can lead to other future or parallel      the very general requests of the

initiatives that can increase the         tenders and the multiple

industrial market and/or the              interpretations of the text: this can be

capabilities in specific innovative       considered one of the fundamental

fields. In EC framework the               differences between the EC and the

opportunity is strongly encouraged by     Commercial framework. To enhance

the multiple interfaces of the project    the probability of funding it’s

manager with the other coordinators,      important to deeply understand the

with research entities, with the          evaluation process: each proposal is

partners of other Consortia; during the   evaluated by a pool of European

proposal preparation phase the            experts who read the proposal and

exploitation of the past projects         jointly assign a score during the

heritage and interfaces is a certain      Evaluation  Member  Meeting

add on for the consortium members         organized by REA. It has to point out

and for the project chances to be         that these experts are chosen among

funded. This habit in exploit this        a long list of self-candidates European

opportunity contributes to the            citizens that are screened at the

Company’s continuity of research          beginning of the evaluation process

by REA and EC, following specific         correctly. When the proposal is

rules. The nominated expert could be      chosen the Negotiation phase starts:

aware or not in the technical filed       during this phase the European

exposed in the proposal so it is          Commission and REA assign to the

important in the text to not include      proposal a Project Officer in REA who

too long technical descriptions, not to   will constitute with the project

go in much technical details, to be       Manager the unique interfaces

short and clear in the description of     toward the Commission of the

the activities and to the be credible in  Consortium. The PO will directly

the management of the project. At         interface only with the project

the end of the Evaluation Meeting         Manager (figure 3), no internal

each proposal has a score and the         Consortium regulation arrive to EC or

highest will be chosen for funding.       to REA and no other documents but

Deeply knowing the evaluation             the Grant Agreements are of interest

process the proposal/project              in EC/REA.

manager can dimension the proposal

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