Page 44 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
P. 44
IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)
experiences. This approach is valid whole for the good achievement of
both as coordinator and as WP-leader
of every Consortium dimension/level. initial scope of the project. In case of
the Project Manager is the
coordinator of the project he/her
must act as contractual officer both
Other WP Coordinator toward the Commission and toward
Leaders Project Interfaces
the partners, must assure the
Italia correctness of financial distribution
both in amount and in the due time
as established in the Grant
Agreement. On the other side,
Italia France considering that the Project Manager
WP2.1 Interfaces belongs to the promoting Company,
must contribute to create future
Figure 4 opportunities in line with the
As WP-leader the Project Manager is Company roadmaps and strategy,
responsible for the WP activities and
for the partners’ interests toward the contributing to increase as much as
coordinator, respecting the rules fixed
in the Consortium Agreement (but of possible the future market
financial distribution). Has to be
highlighted that within the EC project opportunities for the product under
the Coordinator is also Partner and
has the same rights and duties of the development, also knowing the
other Consortium’s members; this
means that if the majority of the Industrial and competitive
Consortium or EC recognizes that the
operate of the Coordinator is not environment in Europe and on
properly dimensioned, he/her can be
dismissed from the role. Usually the International scenario.
signed documents are enough to
assure the EC and the Consortium on 3.3. Valuable Results
the correctness of work and the
clearness of communications but the In this the paper it is reminded that
personal skills of the nominated
person are very often involved and Think-Big approach of EC projects can
the routine decision to be taken
during the activities are often left to lead to proper Programs in which
the Project Manager. To this purposes
the Project Manager must be able to several researches in different
deeply understand the peculiarity of
each partner, their final interests in the market’s environments are
project, know and assure the
achievement of each valuable conducted in parallel and complete
results, guarantee the consortium as a
the complex frame of the Project
objectives. In order to maintain as
close as possible all the partners on
the same objective it is important to
adopt the correct communication,
and it is required a strong leadership
of the Project Manager. Concerning
the Communication, also toward EC,
the EC itself supports the Project
Managers and the partners with a
personalizing website were the Project
Manager must charge all the
achieved results, publications, papers