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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                           Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

The Expo Milano 2015 exhibition aims       CSR Europe is the leading European
                                           business network for Corporate Social
also to create a worldwide occasion        Responsibility. Through its network of
                                           corporate members and 42 National
for international dialogue on the          CSR organizations (Sodalitas
                                           Foundation is one of them), it gathers
dramatic challenges faced to secure        over 10,000 companies, and acts as a
                                           platform for those businesses looking
a sustainable environment into the         to enhance sustainable growth and
                                           positively contribute to society. In its
future. One of the major events –          mission to bring the CSR agenda
                                           forward, CSR Europe goes beyond
hosted and organized by Sodalitas          European borders and cooperates
                                           with CSR organizations in other regions
Foundation, Italy - took place on 19th     across the world.
                                           During the conference, CSR Europe
June: the Last Call to Europe 2020,        has launched the “Milan Manifesto –
                                           Enterprise 2020”, a strategic direction
that has represented a great               of how the over 10,000 European
                                           enterprises committed to sustainability
opportunity to meet with some of the       can collectively work together to
                                           support the Europe 2020 goals within
most advanced European and                 the next five years. In order to deliver
                                           on the Enterprise 2020 Manifesto, CSR
international enterprises committed to     Europe facilitates two European
                                           Business Campaigns: Skills for Jobs and
achieve a more equitable and               Sustainable Living Cities.

sustainable Europe for millions of                                                             49

European citizens.

European              Commission

representatives, CSR Europe

members, Business Organization

Presidents and worldwide and

European CEOs have brought their

experience on the most relevant

business  challenges  towards

sustainability, that is meant not only as

a social, ethical driver, but also as a

convenience process aimed at

increasing the Corporate share value.
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