Page 43 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                             Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

                                        European Commission

Project                                 Project Coordinator.  Technical
                                        Deputy and Assistant  Manager
               Quality & Configuration
                        Manager         Technical Authority   Administration
                        Manager                               (Financial Control and Contract Manager)
                        Manager                               Communications

                                                              (External Relations Manager

                                                              and IPTrMojeacntager)


               WP Leaders                                     Team Partners

                                        Figure 3

During the negotiation the EC fixes the           Of course during this phase the
                                                  Proposal/Project Manager will act as
terms of condition for the funding,               contractual, financial and legal
                                                  officer, of his/her project both toward
approve the project documentation                 EC and toward the Consortium
                                                  members. When all the documents
including the technical proposal and              are signed the project can start and
                                                  the Project Manager can start the
identify the regulation adoptable by              routine and “standard” work.

the Project Coordinator and the EC. In                  3.2. Project Routine Management

parallel the Proposal/Project manager             The standard rules of the Project
                                                  Management apply to the EC
starts the negotiation with the partners          projects even if specific personal skills
                                                  of the Project Manager are stressed:
with the preparation, the approval                due to the heterogeneous nature and
                                                  interests of the Partners and the very
and the signature of the Consortium               high number of interfaces and duties
                                                  toward each of them within and out
Agreement, a legal document in                    the Consortium (e.g. figure 4), the
                                                  Project Manager must carefully deals
which all the terms and condition for             with the legal rules and the personal

organization,  confidentialities                                                                      42

regulation, IPR, financial sharing and

distribution, roles, rights and duties

and penalties of the partners are

clearly identified. This document will

be the reference project regulation of

the Project Manager toward the

Consortium within the respect of

European legislation and the Grant

Agreement obligations for which the

coordinator is responsible toward EC.
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