Page 41 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                 Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)


       WP2.1 Activities                                   could have a proper internal
                                                          organization (OBS), schedule, WBS,
                                                Figure 2  PERT and it is not infrequent that at
                                                          the beginning of the project is
The proposal preparation follows the                      required the Project Management
standard of Project Management                            Plan to the WP leaders to be
methodologies with the identification                     integrated within the Master Project
of the WBS (figure 2), the study logic,                   Management Plan of the overall
the schedule, the Pert diagram the                        project. This is the case of big Projects
organization of the consortium (OBS).                     in which till 98 partners could be
In this project’s typology is suggested                   involved simultaneously and a very
by the EC that all the partners                           strong and regulated organization is
contribute to the final results of the                    mandatory (the “Think-Big” approach
projects till the lower level of WBS,                     of EC)!
indeed it is a standard approach that                     These very big projects could be
each WP foresees a WP leader and a                        considered as “Programs”: within their
number of partners of the Consortium                      duration several parallel lines of
participate to the development of the                     technological research are active
WP with small tasks. In this view each                    and in some cases each line
WP could be considered as a “sub-                         contributes differently to different
project” that participates to the
common goal of the project.                                                                                   40
Depending on the size of the project
and of the Consortium each WP
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