Page 47 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                                                         Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

activities impacts on the credibility of                                              The nature of the risks is mainly
the Company in the market, the loss                                                   connected to the technical issues, to
of opportunity to develop business in                                                 the dissemination of the activities and
the long term. In particular this last risk                                           results and to the final exploitation of
is the most important and determines                                                  the obtained outcomes. The
the biggest failure of the research                                                   dissemination is a wide argument and
and of the projects. In order to force                                                involves the strategy of the partners,
the companies to complete in due                                                      the impacts on the market, the
time the activities, the EC established                                               competition environment. The
tight rules and introduced penalties:                                                 knowledge of the market
as an example the EC transfers on the                                                 environment and the tight monitoring
coordinator’s bank account the                                                        of the partners, especially the
budget to distribute the partner and                                                  research entities, is an obliged task of
requires that should be transferred                                                   the project manager. Last, but not
within 45 days; in case of failure the                                                least, the exploitation of results: each
EC is authorized to apply punitive                                                    Company starts the EC project with
sanctions to the Coordinator                                                          the scope of contributing to internal
impacting both on the project and on                                                  research and developing a product
the Partners. Moreover each partner                                                   or a part of it, remaining on the
can denounce the coordinator to EC                                                    market. If the project fails the
for the missing transferring.                                                         technical aims and/or demonstrates
In this view it’s clear that the risk                                                 the non-feasibility of the predicted
management is a crucial issue that                                                    activities without recovery actions or
cannot be neglected. At the                                                           missing the schedule identified at the
beginning of the project all the risks                                                beginning, the impact on the long
and the relative recovery actions                                                     term Company reduction of
should be identified and ranked by                                                    innovative products and business
the project manager and the                                                           development should be considered.
monitoring of the occurrence                                                          It is a precise mandate of the Project
probability must be constantly                                                        Manager to assure the completion of
checked (figure 6).                                                                   the activities within the due time in
                                                                                      the allocated budget against all odds
                                   Risk Evolution                   High Severity     exposed before!
                                                                    level threshold
                                                                                      4. Conclusions
Risks Evolution  35,0%                                              [RSK-MGNT-P-001]
                 30,0%                                                                EC projects in an industrial
                 25,0%                                              [RSK-MGNT-P-002]  environment are very often
                 20,0%                                              [RSK-MGNT-P-003]  underestimated in their complexity,
                 15,0%                                              [RSK-MGNT-S-001]  risks and opportunities: the complexity
                 10,0%                                              [RSK-MGNT-S-002]  concerns mainly the management of
                  5,0%                                              [RSK-MGNT-S-003]  the rules of the Companies and of the
                  0,0%                                              [RSK-MGNT-S-004]  EC that requires specific
                                                                    [RSK-MGNT-F-001]  competences, no matter of the size of
                        T0  T0+15         T0+20       T0+24  T0+30  [RSK-MGNT-C-001]
                                   Project TimeFrame                                                                                      46
                                                                    Medium Severity
                                                                    level Threshold

                                   Figure 6
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52