Page 48 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
P. 48

IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                     Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

project. Moreover the heterogeneous       special and valuable products, no
nature of partners, the variety of the
issues and different scopes of the        measurable  with  standard
Consortium members impact directly
on the capacities of the Project          parameters, but the capacity of the
Manager who is in the middle of
bonds and constraints that de facto       people to work in team and the
limits his/her activities. The Project
Manager should be able to actively        active and profitable cooperation
guide the research toward the final
objective of the project step by step     impacts on future approach. In this
during the entire duration of the
activities, also keeping in mind each     view the Project Manager becomes
of the different and concurring partial
scopes of the Team’s members,             the cluster point for the consortium at
including his/her Company affiliation.
To obtain valuable results in industrial  the three levels: in his/her Company,
perspective, the projects must
produce outcomes in the due time,         in the Consortium, in EC/REA. The
with the predicted costs; failing only
one of these objectives will impact on    Project Manager is required to
the long term development of the
Company and the losing of                 respect the complex set of legal,
opportunities and credibility on the
market. On the contrary these             financial and management rules in
projects are of great importance in
terms of increasing capabilities,         the market environment, in line with
increasing the Company product
portfolio, partnership etc. Concerning    the Company’s strategy and he/she
the growth of the human resources
involved in these projects must be        must also guarantee the Partners’
highlight that the responsibility and
the professional skills are the most      aims in the projects and of the
Industry perspective of Program
Management in Industrial                  project’s overall toward the European
environment. In the revision of this
paper the author would like to thank      Community.
personally Eng. Claudio Bruno
(Program Director, PMP ®, IPMA Level      Acknowledgments
A), responsible for the Program
                                          To write this paper the author based
                                          on personal “experience on the job“
                                          acquired within the last seven years
                                          as project Manager of EC projects
                                          both as Partner, WP-Leader,
                                          Coordinator. Moreover the numerous
                                          interfaces with other Project
                                          Managers of EC projects allow
                                          identifying the common view of the

                                          Sentinel 1-A toward ESA in Copernicus
                                          Program from 2007 and 2014 on the
                                          behalf of Thales Alenia Space Italia
                                          and to Eng. Giuseppe la Posta (PMP
                                          ®) Project Manager of several EC
                                          projects on the behalf of SELEX-ES.

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