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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)
and whatever concerning the regarding the costs calculation of
project. The leadership of the partner it is not a rare case in which
Coordinator strongly impacts on the the coordinator supports the partner
motivation of the single partner and suggesting the costs justification to
of the persons involved in the maximize the contribution. The Earned
activities allowing a better exchange Value management methodology
among the consortium creating a (figure 5) is applicable with restriction,
positive loop of self-motivation that due to the fact that the nature of the
improves the capabilities of the team project and the funding mechanism
and facilitates the project manager don’t allow the standard application.
work. It is recommendable to insert in The predictable final contribution is
the development of the project some not under the project manager
useful meetings of the Consortium control because depends on the
that can increase the technical other partners, on the research
exchange, the team work and the activity and many variables should be
personal interaction among the taken into account.
Partners. Moreover the involvement of
each Partner for their own skills in the Figure 5
coordination activities are welcome
and contribute to create relationship Concerning the Company internal
that can pose the basis also for future management, due to the low priority
cooperation in other frameworks. of the research projects some
The EC projects are innovation’s and predictions are possible, but the
research’s oriented then it could application of rules and concepts
happen that at the beginning of the must be continuously revised: usually
activities some partners haven’t the the internal funding dedicated to
clear vision of the final results to Research and Development is yearly
achieve; indeed in some cases the revised and in some cases specific
research can lead to different results lines are stopped for strategy reason.
and the initial scope of the project In these cases the activity must be
could be lost or settled aside: in these strongly reduced or even stopped.
circumstances the Project Manager However, out of these extreme
must establish the clear guidelines Company’s decisions, the Project
and individuate short term achievable Manager must be aware of the
results, clear and measurable for internal revision process and must
every partner, in order to perform the support the Proposal Manager during
overall activities in the best way. the identification of the activities and
Concerning the costs and the
financial management of the activity, 44
the Project Manager is responsible for
the calculation of project’s costs, can
interfaces his/her Company entities
that can support for the extraction of
the eligible costs but he/she must
interface with the partners in support
their costs declaration. In particular