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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 (January 2015)

• PP&P Allineamento Organizzativo (A) appendice sono descritte in dettaglio
• PP&P Resources (R) tutti gli elementi di competenza con le
• PP&P Competenze delle persone (P) loro potenziali applicazioni, nonché
una serie di domande-chiave. Nel box
Ognuno di questi gruppi comprende successivo è riportata è la descrizione
diversi elementi di competenza. per l'elemento competenza "PP&P
L'IPMA OCB™ definisce un totale di 18 Mission, Vision, Strategia", che
elementi di competenza. In una appartiene al gruppo "Governance".

Detailed description of the competence element "PP&P Mission, Vision, Strategy"
(Estratto da IPMA OCB™)
PP&P Mission, Vision, Strategy [G1]
Project-oriented organisations typically achieve their objectives through projects, programmes
and portfolios. The PP&P mission, vision and strategy should direct the long-term development of
the organisational competence in managing projects. The PP&P mission defines the rationale
and purpose of the PP&P functions, (e.g. project, programme and portfolio management). An
organisation´s PP&P vision explains the intended goals and objectives of the PP&P functions,
providing direction and focus to the people involved in PP&P and other stakeholders, (e.g.
growth rate and intended performance). The PP&P strategy shows how the vision should be
realised (e.g. PM functions and competences needed).
The starting point for the development of an organisation´s PP&P mission, vision and strategy is
the organisation’s overall mission, vision and strategy. The latter acts as a framework for PP&P
functions and defines the principal goals and requirements. For example, if an organisation
intends to do business increasingly on a global scale, the management of projects and
programmes needs to deal with an increasingly complex context and therefore needs to
develop the respective organisational competences.
The organisation’s overall mission, vision and strategy should be updated on a regular basis.
Subsequently, the PP&P mission, vision and strategy may also need to be updated. Reasons for
updating both the organisation and PP&P missions, visions and strategies, can include: changes
in the external and internal context of the organisation, insights and lessons gained through
undertaking projects and programmes and the results of an evaluation of the performance of
PP&P management. Management at all levels should collect relevant information for improving
the PP&P mission, vision and strategy. Information can be provided by PP&P managers and staff,
internal and external consultants and other sources. The information should be analysed and
evaluated on a regular basis and used for improving the PP&P mission, vision and strategy.

Intended users' actions:
Usually, top managers together with a team of senior executives define an organisation’s mission,
vision and strategy. From there they can derive the PP&P mission, vision and strategy, building on
information and the support of PP&P managers, consultants and staff. Senior executives, together
with an executive directing the project management activities, may establish, communicate,
monitor and control the PP&P mission, vision and strategy based on the directions given by top
management. They should ask for information and the support of PP&P managers, consultants
and staff.
PP&P managers should use the PP&P mission, vision and strategy to align their activities. They
should collect lessons learned from projects and programmes and feed relevant information
back to the executive directing project management activities, to enable continuous
improvement. PP&P staff should act in accordance with the PP&P mission, vision and strategy
and support all management levels by providing feedback. This should be collected through a
rigorous process where lessons learned are reviewed as well as through other continuous
improvement activities.


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