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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

                    one  of  the  most  challenging                        investing  in  the  local  talent
                    part      of       the       Project                   competencies growth.
                    Management.  When  selecting
                    team  members  for  a  long-
                    duration  project  then  it  is                 11.  Customer Project Results
                    fundamental  to  keep  in  mind
                    that  a  special  personality  and          The  first  pillar  of  the  Five  GE  Beliefs  is
                    specific soft skills are required:          “Customer  determines  our  success”.
                    1.  Prolonged forced interaction            Customer  centrality  is  the  view  that
                       is  not  simply  for  everyone.          the  Customer's  needs,  interests  and
                       For    key    positions,    team         objectives  must  be  the  starting  point
                       members  who  were  resilient            for  all  the  decision-making  within  the
                       against       physical       and         Organization. True Customer centrality
                       emotional  stress  had  been             means  that  the  Company  should  be
                       selected.                                seeking to create Value for Customers
                    2.  Conflicts  are  inevitable  in  a       as they perceive it. This is not done for
                       complex                   project        a sense of pure altruism, but because
                       environment.  Conflicts  can             the Customer is the business demand
                       arise  because  of  individual           creator  and  the  most  important
                       working      styles,   lack     of       resource of any Company.
                       communication,               and         The  difficult  part  is  that  only  the
                       improper roles definition. The           Customer  is  the  one  who  gets  to
                       ability  and  the  willingness  to       decide what “Value” actually means.
                       communicate,  to  leverage               Sometime  a  result  perceived  as
                       the  differences  to  create             “excellent”  from a Company can be
                       value,  the  problem  solving            considered  just  “sufficient”  from  the
                       attitude,  and  the  teamwork            Customer perspective or vice versa.
                       capacity  were  considered               Capturing  Customer  value  criteria  is
                       essential     values     in   the        essential  and  an  efficient  Customer
                       resources selection process.             centric       Project       Management
                    3.  The    entire    Organization,          identifies  these  value  criteria  and
                       supported  by  the  Human                aligns them with the project targets. It
                       Resource  function,  invested            is  fully  clear  now  the  importance  of
                       significant time and effort to           Stakeholders  identification,  mapping,
                       select  the  right  profiles,  with      management            and       continuous
                       the  right  skills  and  expertise,      feedback  described  on  previous
                       available for an intense and             paragraphs  to  properly  define  what
                       insightful      18       months’         Customer  Value  is  and  keep  it
                       experience  in  Recife.  At  the         updated.
                       end  a  balanced  mix  of  GE            GE  has  been  appreciated  in  writing
                       local    (45%)     and     expat         from  Customer  throughout  an  official
                       employees         (55%)      was         Letter  confirming  the  excellent  and
                       selected  with  the  target  to          outstanding  results  achieved  by  GE
                       have  enough  expertize  to              and  the  high  value  delivered  to
                       lead  the  operations  while             Customer as they perceive it.

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