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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            approach  based  on  the  IPMA                      The  first  step  was  the  submission  of  a
            Project Excellence Model (IPMA PEM),                detailed  Project  Report  prepared  on
            an  integral  part  of  the  IPMA  Project          the  2015  Project  Excellence  Model
            Excellence Baseline .                               nine criteria, Fig. 06:

                                 Fig. 06 – IPMA® Project Excellence Model (2015)

            Fig.  06  show  how  “Excellence”  does             first  assessment  and  prepare  for  the
            not  simply  mean  to  deliver  excellent           next assessment step, the Site Survey.
            results.  It  shall  be  demonstrated  how          The  objective  of  the  Site  Visit  is  to
            excellence  results  (Vs.  Targets,  Vs.            complete  the  assessment,  to  resolve
            Benchmark,  Vs.  Continuity)  have                  questions  and  issues  from  the  Project
            been      achieved       throughout      the        Report, to verify the statements of the
            Project  Management  methodology                    Applicant,      to   collect     additional
            applied        (Project      Management             information,     to    give    a    general
            determining Project Results) and then               impression  of  the  Project  and  the
            how the Results are reported back to                Organisation.
            inspire  Innovation,  Learning,  and                GE Oil & Gas had the great honour to
            Continuous Improvement.                             guest      five    international      IPMA
            The  Project  Report  is  assessed  by  a           Assessors  in  Recife  (22÷25  June  2015,
            team  of  five  multinational  IPMA                 Fig.  07)  where  the  project  has
            Assessors.      The     assessors      have         evaluated  in  detail  and  deepen
            extensive      experience      in    project        throughout  several  interviews  (Project
            management  and  they  are  fully                   Management,            Project        Team,
            trained     and      certified    on     the        Customer,          Local        Authorities,
            Excellence  Model.  Based  on  the                  Contractors,  etc.),  presentations,  and
            Project Report the assessors make the               documentation evidence.

                                                Fig. 07 – Site Survey (Recife)

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