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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            The  final  success  was  the  positive             The  team  satisfaction  evaluation  is  a
            feedback received from Customer as                  fundamental  assessment  for  any
            soon  as  GE  Oil  &  Gas  informed  that           credible Project Managers.
            Cessão  Onerosa  was  selected  to                  While  there  is  a  lot  of  literature  and
            participate  the  IPMA   International              researches  available  on  Customer
            Project     Excellence      Award      2015.        satisfaction this is not the case for the
            Customer          was        proud         of       team  feedback  on  teamwork  and
            congratulations  and  sincere  “best                project     management           perceived
            wishes”.                                            performances.  The  approach  we
                                                                embraced  was  to  listen  to  our  team
                                                                directly,  throughout  a  new  structured
                12.   People Project Results                    process  to  collect  team  feedback.
                                                                We  organized  and  launched  an  on-
            Cessão  Onerosa  represented  an                    line survey using a web based GE tool.
            insightful  experience  for  the  Project           The survey included several questions
            Managers and all the Team.                          and     structured     to   assess    team
            The  project  team  really  made  the               satisfaction on the project, teamwork
            difference  and  was  brilliant  for                ambience and perception on project
            engagement,             passion         and         management          performances.        The
            commitment.                                         survey was completely anonymous to
            Multiple people have been promoted                  allow  people  to  express  objectively
            to    higher     and     senior    positions        their  opinion  with  the  maximum
            immediately after the project closure;              degree of freedom.
            others  progressed  significantly  in  their        The  survey  was  proposed  to  #71
            career       path     acquiring       Senior        people  and  the  results  were  the
            Management trust and confidence.                    following, Fig 5:

                                     Fig. 05 – Team Satisfaction Survey Results

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