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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            Speaking       Portuguese        can      be               4.  Empower  and  inspire  each
            tremendously        helpful    and     local                   other
            representation is particularly critical.                   5.  Deliver results in an uncertain

                9.  Leadership                                        Considering failure as a learning
                                                                       opportunity        and      inspiring
            Landing  a  man  on  the  moon  and                        continuous improvement.
            bringing  him  back  to  the  Earth  was                  Encouraging  people  to  take
            not  only  a  NASA  Project  Managers                      (calculated)  risks  and  to  lead
            success  but  inspired  the  entire  world                 by example.
            that dreams can become true. Like in                      Promoting  PDCA  Cycle  by
            the  movies  where  inspiring  teachers,                   “Experiment & Learn” using  the
            coaches         or       mentors        help               Fastworks Methodology
            undervalued  persons  to  become                          Endorsing       IPMA       Principles
            extraordinary  performers,  inspiring  to                  inside  the  PM  Community.  69%
            believe  that  excellence  is  a  pursue                   of  the  project  management
            within  our  reach  was  the  aspirational                 population  is  already  IPMA
            message        delivered      by    Cessão                 certified and the organizational
            Onerosa  Project  Managers  and  by                        target is to achieve 100% within
            the permanent Organization.                                2016.  On  Cessão  Onerosa  60%
            Excellence        is    not     perfection,                of Project Managers were IPMA
            excellence  is  permanent  attitude,  a                    certified.
            journey,     an      ambitious      mindset               Workplace culture (Great Place
            approach  built  on  perseverance,                         to Work ), promoting a positive
            passion, learning, changes, successes                      work environment by:
            and failures.
            The  Company  Culture  (vision,  values,                   1.  Solid  Company  Culture  &
            systems,  symbols,  language,  beliefs,                        Senior            Management
            and habits) significantly influence the                        Leadership        Style.     Our
            employees’  behaviors  in  their  day  by                      organization      is   relatively
            day  work  and  in  their  lives.  GE                          informal      and      promotes
            extensively  promotes  and  supports                           direct  and  easy  interactions
            the  aspiration  to  Project  Excellence                       between  employees  and
            by:                                                            the    Senior    Management.
                                                                           Everyone  becomes  more
                  Unconditional          focus       on                   united          with          the
                    Integrity, Compliance, and EHS.                        Organization’s  mission  and
                  Founding  our  business  and  our                       the  continuous  feedback
                    performances  on  “Five  GE                            process      to    improve      is
                    Beliefs”:                                              promoted  at  all  Company
                   1.  Customers  determine  our                           GE  scored  at  first  place  in
                       success                                             2014 for “Top Companies for
                   2.  Stay lean to go fast                                Leaders ” (Aon Hewitt ).
                   3.  Learn and adapt to win
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