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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            Then  the  project  was  finally  assessed          On September 28÷30  2015, GE Oil &
            by  the  Award  Jury.  The  Award  Jury             Gas  was  invited  to  Panama  City  by
            members         represent      Companies,           the  Jury  and  Cessão  Onerosa  has
            Authorities  and  other  Organisations              been awarded with the Bronze Medal
            practising project management. They                 in  the  Mega  Size  category.  It  was
            decide,  on  the  basis  of  the  final             really  an  exciting  and  emotional
            assessments,  which project  teams will             moment,  we  felt  like  to  be  in  the
            be  the  Finalists.  From  Finalists  the           Nobel or Oscar Night, full of learning,
            Award Jury selects Bronze, Silver, and              passion  and  motivation  to  improve
            Gold Winner per category.                           ourselves every day.

                 Fig. 08 – Cessão Onerosa Bronze Medal at IPMA® PE Award 2015 (Panama)

            This  award  finally  celebrates  the               business  model,  the  value  and
            Cessão  Onerosa  56-units  project                  competitive  interest  delivered  to  all
            completion  and  the  excellence  of  a             project Stakeholders.
            team that was able to deliver one of                By  definition,  excellence  can  never
            the  most  critical  project  of  GE  Oil  &        be  reached  100%.  There  will  always
            Gas portfolio ever.                                 be room for further improvement and
            IPMA   recognized  the  challenge  of               development        through      innovation,
            our       effort,     the      operational          experiment and learning.
            performances  as  first  in-class,  the             Excellence       is   an     attitude,     a
            sustainability  of  the  preferred  local           permanent and endless journey.

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