Page 27 - ipma italy journal_vol 2_04_2016
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

                  Promoters  (P)  have  both  great                2.  Latin America Regional Organic
                    interest  in  the  effort  and  the                Growth to expand GE Oil & Gas
                    power     to    help    making      it             operations in Latin America and
                    successful or to derail it.                        train/develop/empower             the
                  Defenders        (D)     have       a               Local Team.
                    confirmed  interest  and  can                   3.  Relationship  to  improve  GE
                    voice  their  support,  but  have                  network,       connection        and
                    little actual power to influence.                  intimacy       with       all    Key
                  Apathetics       (A)    have     little             Stakeholders  in  Latin  America,
                    interest  and  little  power  and                  including      Customer,       Local
                    may  not  even  know  that  the                    Authorities,          Communities,
                    effort exists.                                     Suppliers.
                  Latents  (L)  have  no  particular               4.  GE  Team  to  develop  local
                    interest  in  the  effort,  but  have              talents,       inspire       project
                    the power to influence it greatly                  excellence,      leadership      and
                    if they become interested.                         secure  team  satisfaction  and
                                                                       commitment  to  achieve  the
            22  Short-Long  Term  Main  Project                        project targets.
            Targets      have      been      identified,            5.  Values,  the  pillar  of  all  ethical
            embracing  all  Stakeholders  different                    Organizations.
            and      multiple    perspectives,      and
            classified in 5 categories:                         The      Stakeholders        Identification,
                                                                Mapping  and  Management  is  a
                1.  Operational       Excellence       to       dynamic       process      that     requires
                    deliver    Value     and     project        multiple  check-points        during     the
                    outstanding  results  to  all  the          entire  project  execution.  Some  new
                    identified Parties, setting a new           Stakeholders  in  fact  could  emerge,
                    project  excellence  benchmark              some  could  become  not  more
                    inside  the  GE  Oil  &  Gas                relevant  and  some  others  could
                    organization.                               change their Interest/Influence profile.

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