Page 34 - ipma italy journal_vol 2_04_2016
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            even  exceeded  the  most  favourable                     #10  String  Tests  successfully
            forecasts and high expectations:                           performed  in  Recife  (~80,000
                                                                       Testing Hours).
                  100% Project On-Time Delivery                      First  Turbogenerator  String  Test
                  Overall       Local       Content%                  done  out  of  Italy  ever  scoring
                    Achieved                                           more than 25 MW power.
                  Full     Customer        Satisfaction              First Turbocompressor String Test
                    recognized in writing                              performed ever, in GE Oil & Gas
                  Improved  GE Reputation  in  the                    history,  with  a  portable  gas
                    Latin America Region                               system  (pressurized  gas  trucks
                  Relentless  promotion  of  GE                       and reducing pressure station).
                    Values and Project Excellence
                  Integrity  &  Compliance,  no                Senior Management highly valued the
                    cases reported                              results  achieved  on  this  project
                  Brazil  operations  and  local               considering  it  as  a  landmark  in  our
                    business  model  sustainability             history.  This  is  the  reason  why  Cessão
                    extensively  proved,  supporting            Onerosa  has  been selected  from  the
                    broadening        internal      and         permanent           Organization          to
                    external perspectives.                      participate     to    the    2015    IPMA
                  Multicultural  and  mixed  Project           International      Project      Excellence
                    Team                  effectiveness         Award.
                    demonstrated,        strengthening
                    GE strategy to “Regionalization”
                    to be closer to our Customers.                  15. IPMA®  Project  Excellence
                  Learning      curve      completed                  Award  –  Bronze  Medal
                    securing  solid  baselines,  data                  Mega Size Category
                    and  references  for  processes,
                    lead  times,  costs,  suppliers,            In 2015, first the first time ever, GE Oil &
                    execution                   models,                                                     ®
                    communication,        stakeholders          Gas  participated  to  the  IPMA
                    involvement, etc.                           International      Project      Excellence
                                                                Award  in  the  “Mega  Size”  category
                  Relationships developed with all             (
                    Key      Project     Stakeholders,
                    network expanded.                           ect-excellence/).                    Project
                  #1 Patent developed by GE Oil                Excellence  Award  is  the  highest
                    &  Gas  Engineering  Team  for
                    Cessão       Onerosa        (“Joule-        international  honour  for  worldwide
                    Thompson  effect  mitigation  for           excellence  in  project  management,
                                                                come  to  the  13   Edition.  This  prize
                    High  Molecular  Weight  and                recognizes  internationally  the  elite  of
                    High     Pressure     Gas      Loop
                    Pressurization”,         Reference          projects  that  have  all  achieved  the
                                                                All projects participating in the IPMA
                                                                International      Project      Excellence
                                                                Award       are    assessed      for    their
                                                                excellence  using  the  standardised
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