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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

                   2.  Great  Challenges.  GE  is               processes  available  to  successfully
                       continuously            boosting         achieve the objectives.
                       innovation,             bringing         Cessão        Onerosa        Team       was
                       technology  to  the  frontiers.          composed,  excluding  the  supporting
                       GE  employees  are  involved             functions  and  including  the  main
                       in  international,  innovative,          contractors,  by  #320  people  (67%
                       and  complex  projects  that             Brazilian; 33% Italian).
                       are     able     to    stimulate         Building the “right” Team was planned
                       effectively      the      people         and adapted based on the following
                       interest and passion.                    criteria:
                   3.  Work/Life  balance.  When
                       employees fulfill their various                Clear accountabilities within an
                       needs and goals in life, such                   integrated  project  team.  An
                       as  those  of  family,  friends,                integrated  project  team  with
                       spiritual  pursuits,  self-growth,              clear roles, responsibilities and a
                       etc.,  they  can  then  feel                    shared  interest  in  the  project
                       more        satisfied      about                objectives       helps      ensuring
                       themselves and perform their                    accountability.
                       best at work.                                  Embrace           the        cultural
                   4.  Effective        training       &               differences  and  promote  team
                       development opportunities.                      common ground and synergies.
                   5.  Awards,                  careers               Balance  between  central  and
                       opportunities                   &               local         resources.          The
                       compensation.  GE  is  an                       development             of       fully
                       Equal  Opportunity  Employer                    empowered  local  managers
                       offering      a     competitive                 boosted      closer     relationships
                       salary,  outstanding  benefits                  with     Customer,       facilitating
                       and        the      professional                communication  and  feedback
                       advantages           of        an               process,     reducing      time    to
                       environment  that  supports                     decision and increasing project
                       the                  employees'                 management effectiveness.
                       development                  and               Assess  the  team  workload  to
                       recognizes                   their              make       sure    to    guarantee
                       achievements.                                   enough capacity.
                       GE  in  2015  was  the  9       th             Collocate  the  teams,  as  much
                        “World’s     Most      Admired                 as  possible,  in  the  same  offices
                        Companies ” (Fortune ).                        floor space. With teams working
                                                                       in close proximity to each other,
                                                                       communication         barriers    are
                10.   Project Team                                     reduced and team efficiency is
            Projects  are  not  completed  by                         Selecting  the  “right”  people.
            software  or  machines,  but  by  the                      The  way  in  which  we  need  to
            determination  of  men  and  women                         pull  people  together  to  be  a
            who  wisely  use  the  resources  and                      high performance team, over a
                                                                       relatively short period of time, is

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