Page 39 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
P. 39

IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                     Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

    projects with positive margins      e) The opportunities arise by the
    then the EC projects have low
    priority and often the Company      profitable work of the project
    revises the economical effort to
    assign to the internal research     manager being him/her the
    (R&D budget) penalizing the EC
    projects. Moreover within the       only point of contact of the
    EC projects all the sustained
    costs should be necessary           entire consortium and being
    declared because the received
    contribution is regulated on the    very often called by the
    declared costs: less costs 
    fewer contributions!                Commission to interfaces with
c) In the EC project cannot be
    individuated a “client” being       other analogous projects and
    the EC out of all the
    proprietaries of the outcomes.      to disseminate also the partial
    The real “clients” are all the
    involved stakeholders and the       results obtained during the
    Partners of the consortium who
    remain proprietaries of the         project evolution
    outcomes of the project overall
    and of their own activities in the  Form the above considerations it
    projects. In this view each
    participating Partner can have      results evident that these research
    the same objective of the
    project but can also be             projects could constitute an anomaly
    interested only in development
    of a part of it.                    in an industrial framework, especially if
d) Research Project’s risks are
    often underestimated due to         they are tightly bonded to the
    the simple fact that they are
    not based on specific and           standard of the Project Management
    stringent contracts and
    consequently an industrial lower    of the Company. As already reported
    priority. This approach can lead
    to exploding the costs, missing     above, the main issue of the EC
    the primarily objective of the
    research, failing the project. The  projects resides in the opportunity for
    second, but the most frequent
    risk, is to not be able to declare  the industry to increase the
    all the costs and to not reach
    the maximum EC contribution         capabilities optimizing the internal
    foreseen during the proposal
    preparation (see point b)           resources and develop the needed

                                        skills, industrial stability and expanding

                                        their European and International


                                        In this view it is important since the first

                                        stages of the project, to individuate

                                        all the stakeholders and to involve the

                                        Users: EC encourages the

                                        dissemination of results by means of

                                        publications, events participation and

                                        organization, round tables, forums,

                                        workshops, etc creating a complex

                                        net of interactions at all the levels

                                        (research  entities,  industries,

                                        institutions, etc). Nowadays each EC

                                        project builds and maintains a

                                        dedicated web site in which all the

                                        updated information are reachable,

                                        creating a constant virtual meeting

                                        point for the continuous exchange of

                                        information and comments. This

                                        approach constitutes a peculiarity of

                                        EC projects in the industrial framework

                                        where the industrial research is usually

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