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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                     Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)

Figure 1 - Simplified FP7 scheme

2. The projects: innovation and        From a very brief analysis of the
    peculiarities                      above parameters, it could be
                                       evidenced many of the differences
Within the industry frameworks, apart  between the typical industry’s
from the quality management of the     projects and the EC ones:
project connected to the products
and the processes, each project has        a) Being research projects, the EC
the same guidelines based on the                ones don’t produce financial
following evaluation parameters:                margins, on the contrary they
                                                are funded by internal
     Financial margin                          resources to which the EC
     Resources optimization                    contribute for a fixed
     Client satisfaction                       percentage; these projects are
     Risk Management                           always in loss.
     Opportunities (increasing of
                                           b) Financial and human resources
         project’s portfolio on the             are often shared with other
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