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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            at  a  competitive  disadvantage  with              project.  It  was  not  a  matter  just  to
            their Customer.                                     create  a  new  plant  infrastructure  -
            The     legislation    itself   does     not        that  is  already  itself  a  very  complex
            guarantee the local content effective               task  -  but  also  to  transfer  people,
            development.  The  Oil  &  Gas  deep                expertise,    and     leadership      in   a
            water  high  technological  standards               completely  new  environment,  far
            and         price’s       competitiveness           9,000 Km from Italy, and testing a new
            constitute  a  significant  roadblock  for          operational model.
            developing the local industry.                      The first question to be responded was
            Recent  research  from  a  reputable                relevant  to  the  yard  location.  Where
            Brazilian  University  indicates  that  the         will we set the new facility?
            Brazilian  local  industry  is  only  able  to      Brazil is a very large country, 28 times
            supply  #5  of  the  #24  categories  of            larger  than  Italy.  After  evaluating
            equipment  considered  critical  to  the            different    locations     from     multiple
            Oil&Gas  exploration  and  production.              perspectives it was decided to set the
            In  the  other  #19  categories,  the               operations      in   Recife,     State    of
            national  market  prices  significantly             Pernambuco.
            exceed  (2÷3x)  those  of  foreign                  Recife  is  the  sixth  city  of  Brazil  with  a
            competitors  and  the  products  are                population  of  over  4  million  people.
            subject  to  untimely  delivery  or  falling        The  city  is  facing  a  strong  industrial
            short    of    the    quality     standards         development,  highly  promoted  and
            (             The        sponsored by the local Authorities.
            development of a local industry takes               Apart  from  the  positive  general
            time  and  the  reliability  of  the  local         environment,  boosting  the  growth  of
            Suppliers is a fundamental issue to be              new      industrial   realities,   another
            considered by the Companies.                        significant  advantage  was  identified
            GE  Oil  &  Gas  was  contractually                 in the plant logistic. An available area
            required  to  develop  a  significant               of 54,000 m  was identified inside the
            percentage        of    Local      Content,         old Port of Recife, therefore simplifying
            subjected to high penalties in case of              all  off-loading  activities  from  the
            not  compliance.  Due  to  described                multiple vessels coming from Italy and
            difficult     environment         it    was         the final delivery to Customer. Indeed
            fundamental  to  set  a  strategy  aimed            the  local  presence  of  a  well-known
            to  achieve  the  contractual  Local                and     reliable     Italian   Contractor,
            Content        without      putting      not        available  to  support  GE  Oil  &  Gas  in
            acceptable risks on the operations or               the yard construction and operational
            compromising  other  project  targets               phase,  was  considered  an  asset  to
            like the project profitability.                     decrease the project risks.
                                                                In order to enhance the site reliability
                                                                and  decrease  the  investments  effort,
                6.   The New Recife Yard                        GE Oil & Gas decided to organize the
                                                                plant  applying  a  well  proven  layout
            The     contractual      requirement       to       similar to the Massa facility in Italy. The
            establish  the  full  operations  in  Brazil        new facility was organized in six main
            maybe  represented  one  of  the  most              areas, Fig. 02:
            critical challenges of Cessão Onerosa

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