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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            A  word  is  increasingly  gaining  more            risks (calculable events), uncertainties
            attention in many social and business               (incalculable      events),     unforeseen
            contexts       such       as      countries,        influences,  complexity  and  dynamic
            organizations,  industries,  enterprises,           changes.  This  is  a  challenge  to
            environment       and     climate,    cities,       traditional  approaches  of  project
            security,  which  are  impacted  by                 management  and  the  paradigm  of
            unprecedented  changes:  this  word  is             planning       and     control.      Project
            resilience.                                         managers  and  their  teams  need  to
                                                                have competences that enable them
            For    English     Wiktionary     resilience        to quickly recover from difficulties and
            generally means the ability to recover              come  back  on  track  towards  the
            from  some  shock  or  disturbance.                 desired     goals     …    Concepts       of
            There are different meanings for it:                resilience for individuals,  projects  and
                                                                organizations will help to advance the
                  resilience  of  a  material:  the            profession  and  cope  with  the  ever-
                    physical  property  of  material            increasing challenges on our relentless
                    that can resume its shape after             pursuit  towards  a  world  in  which  all
                    being  stretched  or  deformed              projects succeed.
                    (elasticity)  or,  in  other  words,
                    that can absorb energy without              Managing Editor of PM World Journal
                    breaking;                                   David  Pells  adds  that  resilience  has
                  resilience of a system: the ability          become a very important topic in the
                    of  a  system  to  recover  from  a         project management field, where risks
                    catastrophic failure;                       associated  with  disasters  or  other
                  resilience  of  an  IT  system:  the         disruptive      changes         can      be
                    capacity  of  an  IT  system  to            catastrophic.  We  would  like  to  grow
                    guarantee its service continuity;           the resource base on this topic in the
                  resilience     in    biology:     the        PM World Library during 2016.
                    capacity  of  a  living  system  to
                    recover its own equilibrium after           It  is  therefore  consequential  that
                    a change or a damage;                       Resilience  was  chosen  by  Antonio
                  resilience  in  psychology:  the             Calabrese,  Director  of  Master  in
                    process of adapting well in the             Project      Management          at     MIP
                    face    of    adversity,    trauma,         Politecnico di Milano and President of
                    tragedy,     threats     or    even         IPMA  Italy,  as  the  topic  for  a  “PM  in
                    significant sources of stress (The          Action”     lecture:     Resilience     and
                    American             Psychological          Motivation.  The  presentation  was
                    Association).                               delivered by prof. Pietro Trabucchi of
                                                                Verona  University,  author  of  several
            The  President  of  IPMA,  Reinhard                 books on the topic, the last of which is
            Wagner, states: We all experience an                To persevere is human.
            increasingly  complex  environment,
            which has a significant impact on our               It  is  not  the  purpose  of  this  article  to
            projects  and  the  way  we  manage                 summarize  in  a  structured  way  the
            them.  Factors  to  be  considered  are             content  of  the  whole  presentation,

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