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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

            but  to  underline  those  of  the  many            The  subject  of  incentives  enters  then
            interesting points that have attracted              the picture.
            the  audience  attention,  which  are               Here  the  most  interesting  part  of  the
            particularly  interesting  from  a  project         presentation has covered the possible
            management perspective.                             incentive  models,  from  the  donkey
                                                                (stick  and  carrot)  to  the  coaction
            The Speaker’s starting point had been               (passive  soldier)  to  the  extrinsic  vs
            the  observation  of  teams  often  worn            intrinsic   incentives.    The    latter   is
            down        by     internal      conflictual        obviously  the  incentive  that  results  in
            relationships  mainly  due  to  difficulties        the  auto-motivation  (challenges  with
            in    maintaining       the     motivation.         ourselves  to  achieve  challenging
            Fostering  the  individuals  and  teams             goals).  Intrinsic  motivation  simply
            motivation has therefore become the                 means passion. In such conditions the
            target of Mr. Trabucchi who for many                human  brain  finds  its  reward  in  the
            years has devoted himself to the High               thrust to learn.
            Performing  Team  Project,  a  project
            conceived and finalized to seize and                In conclusion the motivation also can
            strengthen  the  resilience  features  of           be         learned          and          the
            teams  committed  to  achieve  sport                cultural/organizational  context  plays
            targets  in  extreme  stress  conditions,           a  fundamental  role  to  achieve  the
            such as inter alia the Everest ascent to            ultimate goal of effectively combining
            achieve the world speed record.                     and  balancing  dream  and  passion
            These experiments with so challenging               with  method  and  determination.
            extreme  initiatives  have  confirmed               Great  leaders  cannot  but  be  trainers
            that  to  foster  the  motivation  one              of resilience.
            cannot  take  the  resilience  out  of              All project management professionals
            account.  In  fact  in  Mr.  Trabucchi’s            recognize  the  validity  of  such  a
            views  the  psychological  resilience  is           conclusion  when  they  face  the  daily
            the  capacity  to  pursue  challenging              challenge  of  effectively  directing  a
            targets,  effectively  facing  difficulties         team  toward  the  ultimate  target  of
            and  negative  events  encountered                  achieving the project success in spite
            along  the  route.  It  therefore  has  an          of     all    the      risks,    difficulties,
            intense motivational dimension.                     uncertainties.
            The     many       experiences       gained
            through  the  above  Project  have  also            Given these premises it would not be
            confirmed  that  the  resilience  is  not  a        surprising that IPMA Italy has decided
            genetic  heritage  but  it  is  linked  to          to  select  the  resilience  as  the  theme
            living experiences. Fostering resilience            for  the  next  National  Congress,  an
            can therefore be the result of specific             event that should not be missed by all
            training.                                           project  management  professionals
                                                                dealing  with  challenging  projects.  I’ll
            Next  the  question  arises:  how  to               be  in  the  front  row  to  listen  to  the
            motivate      even     in   not    extreme          many  renowned  speakers  who  will
            situations,     like    those     generally         treat    the    theme     from     different
            encountered  in  the  professional  life?           perspectives.

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