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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                         Volume 2 no. 4 (October 2016)

                1.  Introduction                                The       #56        Equipment         (#16
                                                                Turbogenerators  LM2500+  Dual  Fuel,
            GE  Oil  &  Gas  announced  the  award              #8  Turbocompressors  LM2500,  #32
            of Cessão Onerosa on November 16 ,                  Motocompressors
            2012  to  supply  #56  Turbomachinery               Main/Export/Injection)  were  ordered
            Equipment                                           to  serve  #4  new  Floating  Production,
            (                   Storage and Off-Loading Units (FPSOs)
            Releases/GE-Oil--Gas-Wins-US500-                    in  the  Cessão  Onerosa  region  of  the
            Million-Customer-Contract-216946).                  Santos  Basin  Pre-Salt  Field.  GE  Oil  &
                                                                Gas technology will generate primary
            Additionally  to  the  core  equipment,
            the  new  contract  included  technical             energy  for  the  FPSOs  using  gas
                                                                turbines  and  advanced  electrical
            assistance      for     installation    and         generators,     moving      gas     through
            commissioning, start-up and extensive               pipelines using compressors and finally
            services,  such  as  repair,  dedicated             re-injecting  CO2  and  natural  gas
            local  field  service  engineers  and               back  to  the  well  to  increase  the  oil
            Customer  training.  The  $500  Million             recovery.
            Contract was signed after more than
            one  year  of  intense  commercial  and
            technical  negotiations  by  GE  Oil  &
            Gas and two competitive public bids                     2.  The Pre-Salt Area (Brazil)
            involving  valuable  and  experienced
            Competitors.                                        Cessão  Onerosa  represented  the  first
                                                                GE Oil & Gas project and experience
            This success was the result also of the             in    the      large     Pre-Salt     Area,
            collaboration  and  synergies  among                unprecedented  in  scale,  innovation
            the different GE product and business               and complexity.
            lines  (Oil  &  Gas,  Aviation,  Power  &           The  Pre-Salt  is  a  sequence  of
            Water,          Power         Conversion),          sedimentary  rocks  formed  more  than
            demonstrating  the  strength  of  the               100    million    years    ago      in   the
            Company’s integration.                              geographic  area  created  by  the
                                                                separation  of  the  current  American
            The main benefits and value of GE Oil               and African continents. Initially, great
            &     Gas     proposal      included      an        depressions  were  formed  between
            aggressive      delivery     cycle,     high        the two continents, giving rise to large
            equipment  reliability,  efficiency  and            lakes.  Since  all  the  rivers  on  the
            performance,  emissions  control  and               continents      flew     to    the    lower
            an  extended  equipment  life.  In  this            depressions, large amounts of organic
            Contract      GE     Oil   &    Gas     fully       material  were  deposited  there.  This
            demonstrated their technological off-               organic deposit held there for millions
            shore leadership and the capacity to                of    years      until   thermochemical
            face     their   Clients    most     difficult      processes turned it into hydrocarbons.
            challenges.                                         Investments  in  the  Pre-Salt  Area  are
                                                                constantly increasing and the present
                                                                findings can mean oil reserves of over
                                                                50  Billion  barrels,  a  volume  four  times
                                                                greater than the current Brazil reserves

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