Page 12 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_02.2015
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 no. 2 (July 2015)
country, literally in the middle of the Figure 1 - One train assembled in GE Oil &
second largest rain-forest in the world, Gas Massa (Italy) facility plant
at approximately 2000 m altitude.
A very remote destination, which was Since the design phase, the project
extremely difficult to get to through the required to be managed with a special
few existing roads. Also, a site focus on the Site requirements. Papua
seismically quite active and inhabited New Guinea local regulations,
by hundreds of indigenous ethnic although based on the Australian
groups, isolated from the outside world Standards, are actually peculiar of the
and independent each other. specific country and at some extent
With the aim to facilitate the smooth even far from other international
development of the project in such a regulations. Such set of requirements
demanding environment, the end user had to be retrieved locally, carefully
of the project promoted several evaluated and finally taken into
infrastructural improvements, such as consideration in the selection of
roads and bridges upgrades. With a materials and their certification.
broader effort, the project has
supported the economic growth of the 3. Internal changes... as
country, with local investments and challenging as an order variation
social management plans to assist the
local population. In parallel to the execution of the
As part of the infrastructural contract, GE Oil & Gas started a
improvements, a dedicated 3 km number of workout, not initially
runway was built in the area where the planned, in order to address any
conditioning plant was planned to be potential flow which might affect the
erected. Such airfield allowed all operations at Site. In partnership with
heavy goods (exceeding 60 tons in the end user, a large cross functional
some cases) to reach the final location team led by GE Oil & Gas project
safely and faster than by road. manager was appointed to review the
In addition, a 700 km pipeline was built project at 360°, using a “What-If”
in order to put in connection the facility approach. This was essentially an
located over the mountains to the internal change order, which senior
liquefaction plant on the coast, where management introduced after project
methane carriers were supposed to kick-off in consideration of the
berth to load the liquefied LNG. importance of the job and the
In 2009, while the airport development complexity of the context.
was in progress, GE Oil & Gas was
awarded with a purchase order for the 11
supply of three turbo-compressor trains
driven by aeroderivative gas turbines
PGT25+G4, including a gearbox and a
WHRU for each assembly line. These
units have been contractually required
to be tested at full speed and full load
prior to shipping (figure 1).