IPMA Young Crew Italy has the pleasure to announce the opening of the Italian Project Management Championship 2017.

The Project Management Championship is an international 3 stage competition supported by IPMA and organized by National IPMA Member Associations with their Young Crews. PM Championship objectives are to enhance student involvement in the field of project management, to rise the interest in professional project management at a national and international level, as well as to advance the dialogue, the knowledge sharing and know-how between research and the business world.
To participate to the Competion write a message to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. with:
- Name of your University
- Name of your Team
- Name and email contact for each Team Member (3/4 people)
- Name and a telephone number of the Team Leader
For more details and information download the PMC 2017 BROCHURE
Stage 1
Qualification Round - open from April 13 until May 13, 2017
Each team, composed by 3/4 people, is allowed to take the Qualification Test (100 questions in 100 minutes) at any time from April 13 till May 13, 2017. Questions are in English language. To access to the online platform and answer the test, registered teams should follow the instructions they will receive by email starting from April 13th. Each team can attempt to take the test only one time.
A demo version of the test is available here.
The results of the Qualification Round will be published on this webpage on 17th of May 2017.
Stage 2
National Final - Desio (MB), Italy - 27th May 2017
Winning teams of the Qualification Round will be invited to participate to the National Final, that will be hosted at Flowserve Worthington headquarter (Desio, Italy) on May 27, 2017. The National Final consists of a business case study, organized by IPMA Young Crew Italy in collaboration with the company. Teams have to solve out the case study and, after, present themselves and their project solutions in front of a Jury.
At the end the Jury will announce the winning team.
Stage 3
International Final - Croatia from June 9 until June 11, 2017
The winning team will be invited to participate to the International Final of Project Management Championship, that will take place in Brijuni Islands, Croatia from June 9 till June 11, 2017.
Updates and news will be published on this website as well as on www.become.pm.