Page 12 - IPMA Italy Journal Volume 1 no. 1_April 2015
P. 12

IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                     Volume 1 no. 1 (April 2015)

managing projects is extracted from        competent in relation to experience,
one project, with a focus on gained        methods and behaviour.
                                           The perspective for  IPMA®
The next step is for the candidate is to   Certification – The  Danish
assess own competencies in applying        experience
methods or techniques related to the
20 competencies, competencies in           15 years ago, when Danish Project
leadership behaviour – related to 15       Management started to introduce
competencies, and competencies in          IPMA® Certification, we focused – like
contextual domain related to 11            all others - on creating the perception
competencies.                              that the certification is a matter of
                                           “getting a piece of paper” on the
The self-assessment finishes by assessing  competencies that up until now have
the candidate’s level. Here, the           been built up through practicing. Just
learning is about becoming more self-      as other certifications, which primarily
aware and about gathering feedback         are based on a written exam.
from others in relation to the
behavioural competencies.                  Part of the purpose for participating in
                                           the certification is still to achieve a
Step 2: Interactive session and            certificate on own competence level,
interview                                  but the longer we have delivered
                                           IPMA® Certification – the more
At Levels C, B and A, the process          attentive we have become on the
continues with an interview of one to      unique learning potential which the
two hours. For the assessors, the          programme implies.
interview presents a last opportunity to
check those competencies that have         The competence boost, which the
not been sufficiently demonstrated         participants in the certification
through the previous steps. The            achieve, is in my opinion the most
candidate gets on-going feedback on        important contribution from Danish
what the assessors have observed           Project Management Association to
during the entire process.                 promote a position of Denmark in the
                                           final round about a world
However, what many candidates say          championship in project management
makes the entire process worth it is that  project.
the assessors use the last part of the
interview to highlight where the           So, we might consider changing the
candidate has been seen as especially      term from IPMA® Certification with a
                                           great possibility for further learning – to
                                           IPMA® Competence Boost with a side-
                                           effect as a formal certificate.

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