Page 10 - IPMA Italy Journal Volume 1 no. 1_April 2015
P. 10

IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                     Volume 1 no. 1 (April 2015)

Figure1. Comparison of learning           We have similar statements from the
approach and teaching approach            start of the re-certification five years
                                          after the first certification:
The recommendation is – again in brief
– to achieve effective learning by        “Have become more reflective”.
turning the percentage distribution       “Have an improved view of the role”.
upside down and to spend only 10% on      “Act more proactively”. “Conscious of
courses and reading, and instead to       the need also to lead the project
spend 70% on transforming the gained      management process itself”. “Apply
knowledge into applied                    more methods that I have learned
competencies.                             earlier”. “Now more dialogue on
                                          challenges with other project
However, such a shift or re-organisation  managers”.
is not easy. Time off for courses,
reading, and to some extent for           In other words, experience shows that
coaching, feedback and role models        IPMA® Certification helps the
could largely be organised and            candidates to benefit more from their
structured to take place. It is much      previous knowledge, and from
more challenging to ensure that 70% is    experience gained previously.
spent on practicing and re-thinking.
                                          To illustrate this with an analogy from
Here IPMA® Certification comes in as a    the animal world: Participating in an
powerful contribution to the 70% of the   education is like a cow, which has
time of ‘Effective Learning’ to achieve   been eating grass for several hours and
a real competence boost. This has         has filled its first stomach. Attending a
been verified at the closing              subsequent IPMA® Certification is like
ceremonies with the IPMA Certified        the same cow lying down and
project managers in Denmark, where        ruminating on what it has eaten, and
they tell about the benefits of the       transporting it to the second stomach
certification process.                    where it is transformed into energy.

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