Page 9 - IPMA Italy Journal Volume 1 no. 1_April 2015
P. 9
IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 no. 1 (April 2015)
The learning potential of IPMA® certification candidates more
Certification competent.
This is common knowledge: It is one In that way, IPMA® Certification differs
thing to gain new knowledge on good fundamentally from other certifications
project management through a in project management, in which the
course. However, it is something quite main achievement is to pass the
different to transform that knowledge written exam.
into applied competencies.
Adjusted view of learning
Having knowledge might mean that
you can pass a written exam. Being Recent years have shown that a
competent is about being capable of change in concept is necessary to
initiating and applying the acquired achieve full value of the many
knowledge in situations where it could resources that are invested in
be useful and to practice that education, not least in postgraduate
knowledge with participants and with education. This is especially the case
project parties. of education in project management
where knowledge of methods is not
The purpose of this article is to draw sufficient. It is just as important to
attention to the fact that participation develop skills in leadership behaviour
in IPMA® Certification – according to and to learn from acquired
experience in the Danish IPMA experiences.
Association – is a unique learning
process, which in itself promotes the The classic approach to education
transformation of knowledge and could in brief be characterised by
experience into applied applying 70% of the time spent on
competencies. participating in courses combined with
reading, with 20% spent on follow-up
The value of participating in the IPMA® by coaching in knowledge application
Certification is not just to gain a ‘piece and only 10% on ‘getting the
of paper’ on your knowledge and knowledge to sink in’ – see Figure 1.
capability when you begin the
certification. According to our
experience, the value is just as much
that the participation in the
certification process makes