Page 32 - ipma italy journal_vol 1_03_2015
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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 no. 3 (October 2015)
governance. They think that project management" cannot be partitioned
governance is mainly the problem of clearly. If we can’t define the
governance structure which defines difference between "project
the relationship of responsibility, power governance" and "project
and benefit between stakeholders management", we cannot answer the
through an institutional framework to question that why the concept of
achieve project objectives. Rodney "project governance" should be raised
Turner says that project governance is besides the well-known "project
a kind of governance mechanism of management". The reason why the
stakeholders which provides the boundary between governance and
structure to set project objectives and management is hard to define is that
makes sure of the means needed to management contains governance in
achieve the objectives and monitor a broad sense and governance can
performance(Turner,2006). Keith be understood as "the management
Lambert defines project governance of management". An effective division
as that it is a series of structures, of the boundary between "project
systems and processes around the governance" and "project
project. It will guarantee the effective management" is based on the
delivery and use of it and achieve the authority of project manager. The
full effect and benefit authority and responsibility should be
realization(Lambert,2003). Yan ling equal. But we usually put the
insists that project governance is an responsibility of project management
institutional framework reflecting the entirely or mainly on the shoulder of
institutional arrangement of project manager.
relationship among power, The authority of project manager is
responsibility and benefit between very limited. An enterprise has multiple
project participants and other projects and it determines that the
stakeholders. A complete project enterprise can’t give all of the
transaction will accomplish under this resources to one project manager.
framework (Yan Ling, Yin Yilin, Fan Resources needed to complete the
Dao, 2004). project will be generally run by stable
There are two major problems in department. They are dominated by
the above concepts: department managers or general
managers who have stable position
instead of project manager who is
2.1. These concepts do not temporary. For the cross-organization
clear the boundary between
project governance and project projects 8 , the project manager has
limited control of resources. In other
The common problems in
management are the dislocation, words, project manager does not
offside and absence of roles. Such
situations will appear if the boundary have the ownership of resources. They
of "project governance" and "project
only have the right to use them. For
project manager, determining how
many resources can be used by
8 The “organization” this paper mentioned means the
enterprise or the internal departments of enterprise. For
the enterprise internal cross-department project, this
paper views as the cross-organization project.