National Final of IPMA Project Management Championship, in collaboration with Saipem

PMCHampionschipThe National Final of Italian IPMA Project Management Championship took place on May 11, 2024 in Milan, organized in collaboration with Saipem.

Focusing on nowadays sustainability issue and the growth of demand of green energy over the last years, students’ teams had to solve out a business case titled "BETA CONTRACTING: Bio Refinery Project”. Students teams were asked to elaborate a risk analysis, identify the involved stakeholders, prepare a plan to execute the Engineering, Procurement and Construc􀆟on phase of the project and present their solution to the Company Management.

At the end of the day the Jury announced the winning team from Politecnico of Milano:

- Alessandro Albertini

- Aurora Brocca

- Marta Castello

- Dalia Scuotto


The winning team is invited to represent Italy at the International IPMC Final in Florence on June 8, 2024

A special thanks to Saipem, who hosted and organized the event together with Young Crew Italy, giving to students the opportunity to learn and improve their personal and professional skills.