The IPMA Award Team invites you to join the 3-day IPMA Project Excellence Assessment Training in Amsterdam, Jinan or Mexico City.




The successful participation in the training gives an opportunity to become the IPMA International Project Excellence Award Assessor in the annual competition for the best-managed projects in the world.

The training provides you also with all tools needed to implement the Project Excellence Model for an internal evaluation of projects in your organization.



During the PE Assessment Training the attendees will:

• gain general assessor qualification criteria with knowledge on IPMA Project Excellence Baseline;

• discuss and exchange views with well-experienced colleagues during the training;

• share development of most effective assessment practices;

• work on real-world cases that are a subject for group discussions, simulated scenes.

For those planning to apply for the Award, the participation in a training gives an advantage of better Application Report and Site Visit preparation.

More details regarding the assessors' work can be found under the link.



The training is dedicated to experienced project managers, trainers, consultants in the field of project management willing to become the IPMA International Project Excellence Award Assessors in 2018, as well as potential PE Award applicants, organizations planning to implement the PE Model for internal assessment and projects' benchmarking.

The number of available seats for the training is limited! Seats are allocated on a first come, first serve, basis.



In order to register please fill the application form:

> Amsterdam, 9-11 March 2018

> Jinan, 23-25 March 2018

> Mexico City, 20-22 April 2018


For any further question, you may contact the IPMA Award Office at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.