3rd international study "Status Quo Agile" - Success and forms of usage of agile methods Survey is open from now on until 7th of November 2016
The third study on practices and success factors of agile methods of the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences will be carried out in cooperation with the GPM-IPMA (German Association for project management-International Project Management Association). The study "Status Quo Agile" examines to what extent and how successful agile methods are used in the business world. The third study on agile methods in focuses on satisfaction and success factors of agile methods like Scrum, Kanban, DevOps and design thinking as well as hybrid methods, scaling and the use of agile methods outside of software development.
Objectives of the Study
Main focus of the study are practices, dissemination, satisfaction and success factors of agile methods. The focus also continues to be on the combination of agile methods with classic project management (hybrid methods, agile PMO) and agile methods outside of software development (Hardware Scrum, Scrum in areas such as development and implementation of services and products, process optimization and organizational design).
The study results will show to what extent and in what form agile methods are now in practical use. The results should provide important information, especially for users who want to use agile methods outside the software development and in combination with traditional methods.
Who should participate?
Invited to participate are all persons who deal with project management and agile methods. Especially people who do not use agile methods or who may be skeptical towards agile methods are also asked to join.
Benefits for participants
Participants will benefit from a particularly detailed subscriber version of the summary report, which they received prior to the official release.
How to participate?
Participation is possible from now on until 7th of November 2016.
The survey is available via www.status-quo-agile.net an will take about 15-20 minutes also depending on the answers given.
For further information please contact:
Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus
Department of economic sciences
Koblenz University of Applied Sciences
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