Page 40 - IPMA Italy Journal Volume 1 no. 1_April 2015
P. 40

IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
                                                                  Volume 1 no. 1 (April 2015)

It is apparent that the extent and              Relationships with all the
                                                    Stakeholders and impact of
constraints of the program, the so                  multi-culture context.

many world cultures involved, along             High surveillance and direction
                                                    of construction site for sub-
with the area of just one sqkm where                contracts of own direct
all the projects must        be
                                                External infrastructures and
simultaneously implemented and                      urban modifications.

completed by April 30th, present                Projects for post-event
                                                    destination of the area.
countless challenges and require
                                                Relationships with the many
widespread Program and Project                      partners and civil society
Management competencies.
                                           A round table with several project
IPMA Italy could not have                  managers from the expositing
                                           Countries has concluded the day,
disregarded such a unique                  followed by an extended time for
combination. Therefore it devoted the      The list of challenges is far from being
                                           exhaustive, but it is sufficient to
last annual conference to the main         highlight the uniqueness of the
challenges that Expo2015 program           The appreciation expressed by the
                                           professional audience to all the
and project managers have been             speakers in charge of the above
                                           areas has been the best reward for
tackling along these years:                IPMA Italy, along with the post-event
                                           interest shown by professionals who
 Risks analysis and management            could not attend the Conference.
                                           presented the visions and experiences
prior to application to BIE and            as described in the awarded articles.
                                           The Conference has given evidence
during both the implementation             that there also other reason to visit the
                                           Expo than just the 412 different ways
of the program and the event               of the theme development and
                                           presentation. It is enough to mention
itself.                                    that the projects of the world most
                                           renowned architects are displayed in
 Choice and development of                one sqkm.
                                           Finally recalling that food is life,
the Expo theme.                            culture, civilization, history, art,
                                           pleasure, senses, projects, sport,
 General and sustainability               creativity; that it involves the four
                                           primordial elements (earth, water, air,
principles that have inspired the          fire); that it is protagonist of one of the

program.                                                                                       39

 Organization of the operations

management structure, up to

the site activities.

On the occasion, the winners of two

IPMA 2014 Project Excellence Awards

(Tecnimont, GASCO Abu Dhabi

Habshan5 process plant, and General

Electric Oil & Gas, Priolo Ethylene

project)) and one of the three Young

Project Managers of the Year

awarded in 2014, presented the

excellence characteristics that led

the related projects to the Awards. It is

probably not by chance that the

latter project is part of the Expo


Further the winners of the first Award

IPMA Italy 2014 for best articles on

project management topics have
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