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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 (January 2015)

There is, as following investigation English for Project Management
shows, a very interesting link between
this technique and professional project The presentation was made by the
leadership. author, Ana Skledar Matijević, Ph.D.,
The research question was: Can the teacher at the Baltazar Adam Krčelić
“clown technique" be used to College of Business and Management
enhance leadership skills of project in Zaprešić, Croatia.
And, if so, for what can it be used? In summary
This question was studied by inviting English for Project Management results
the Paris based “clown master” Rafael
Bianciotto to train professional project from the implementation of the
managers for a total of 9 hours in this integrated approach to teaching and
method. learning Project Management and
The experiment took place in Reykjavik English for Specific Purposes
City Theatre on March 5-7 2013, three developed at the Baltazar Adam
hours each day. The participants were Krčelić Accredited College of Business
a group of 13 project managers, most and Management in Zaprešić, Croatia.
of which were IPMA certified
professional project managers with a This interdisciplinary approach to
Master of Project Management (MPM) teaching is based on using IPMA ICB
degree. as authentic material in order to learn
The clown master did the training, the English for Specific Purposes. In 10 units
experiment was observed in a the 46 competence elements defined
participatory way, participants gave in IPMA Competence Baseline are
their feedback at the end of each covered and, moreover, a Glossary of
session and responded to a survey a the most important terms is included.
month after the workshop.
 Unit 1: Project, Programme, Portfolio
The results of the experiment show that
there is a strong indication of this  Unit 2: Project Management
method being highly effective as a
method to enhance leadership skills Success, Interested Parties, Project
and communication skills within
project teams. Requirements and Objectives, Risk &

Opportunity, Quality, Project


 Unit 3: Teamwork, Group Dynamics

 Unit 4: Problem Resolution, Project

Structures, WBS

 Unit 5: Scope and Deliverables, Time

& Project Phases, Gantt Chart,

Resources, Cost & Finance

 Unit 6: Procurement & Contract,

Changes, Business Case, Control &

Reports, Information &

Documentation, Communication,

Start-Up & Close-Out

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