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IPMA ITALY Journal of Applied Project Management
Volume 1 (January 2015)

IPMA President´s New Year Address for the year 2015

Dear IPMA members and friends With our vision “promoting competence
Together with the IPMA Executive Board throughout society to enable a world in
and the Executive Director, I welcome which all projects succeed”, we aspire to
you to the year 2015. We hope that you turn the projectification into a success for
had a good start into the year and could society. The vision has also a great impact
regain energy for what is coming up next on IPMA itself, the way we interact, act
couple of months. For IPMA it is a very and activate to reach professionalism in
important year. On the one hand, we our network. We need to better facilitate
celebrate IPMA´s fiftieth anniversary. co-creation and lever the diversity of our
During the 29. IPMA World Congress in global network into benefits for the
Panama City, we will look back and profession, economy, society and
celebrate the achievements and our environment (the next bold sentences are
heritage. On the other hand, we decided IPMA´s mission statements). Our
on a new vision, mission and strategy for interaction in IPMA´s network, with
IPMA, which means to start shaping our alliance and other network partners builds
future. on three core values: diversity, consensus
A small group of dedicated people and mutual respect.
started an international network that was
first named INTERNET. Obviously, that With this approach, we can make a
name was “captured” later by the decisive step in a world, which is getting
information technology community. more and more global, heterarchical and
Nevertheless, renamed as IPMA the divers in all aspects. We need to find our
international PM community spread all own way and should not focus too much
around the world and developed that on other PM Associations and their ways
hubs and nods in a lot more than of doing things. Let´s promote
European countries. Today IPMA is a competence as our unique value
global and constantly growing network of proposition, competence for individuals,
57 member associations. We can be for projects and for organisations. We
proud of the achievements and need to have standards that guide the way. The
thank all the women and men dedicating IPMA Individual Competence Baseline
their time to this success story. (ICB®) and the IPMA Organisational
The world is also changing. Projects are Competence Baseline (OCB™). More is to
popular. Projectification is a trend that come this and the next years. An
can be observed in all the countries, international standard is one thing. The
sectors and organisations. It means that other and certainly more important one is
more and more activities are performed in to make use of it. We need to identify the
a temporary organisational setting, prime target audiences and make those
managed by managers with a specific set standards available to them, e.g. the
of competences. We all recognise the OCB™ for managers of organisations,
growing interest in our topic, the higher PMOs etc. The ICB® to educators, trainers,
demand of PM qualification and practitioners and even teachers and kids
certification, albeit economic setbacks in at school. We have several good
some regions or countries. However, practices already in our network existing.
despite all efforts of professional project, Nevertheless, we have not yet made use
program and portfolio management, too of them. This is what we need to change
many projects still fail. This is a threat to the in future to gain momentum.
world and to IPMA.
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