Results of Italian PMC 2021 - Qualification Round

The Qualification Round of IPMA Project Management Championship 2021 is ended on July 7, 2021.

IPMA Young Crew Italy is pleased to announce the six winning teams who will participate to the National Final on July 15, 2021, organized in collaboration with BTO Research.

The winning teams are:

1° - Politecnico di Milano
Team: Federico Canti, Edoardo Beani Seri, Riccardo Del Frate, Pablo Dell’Orto
Score 77%

2° - Politecnico di Milano
Team: Marco Roncatti, Sonia De Santis, Giuseppe de Leo
Score 69%

3° - Politecnico di Milano
Team: Emanuele Musso, Vito Terranova, Vincenzo Messina, Matteo Zemello
Score 68%

4° - Università di Bergamo
Team: Annalisa Pagani, Giacomo Salvemini, Andrea Panunzi
Score 59%

5° - Università di Bergamo
Team: Samuele Carlessi, Claudia Piffari, Giorgio Termali
Score 50%

6° - Politecnico di Milano
Team: Stefano Rovelli, Andrea Simone Galbussera, Alessandro Pignati
Score 35%


During the next few days each team will receive an invitation by email with all the details about the National Final, that will take place on July 15 (9:00 - 15:00). 
We remember that the winning team of the National Final will participate to the PMC International Final in Serbia (online event) between September 10 and September 12, 2021.